The DPW encompasses engineering, construction and related activities carried out by government for the benefit of citizens.
DPW Laborer
The Zoning board of Appeals determines whether or not exceptions
should be made to the zoning laws. Appointed for 5 year term
Chairman Zoning Board:
- Donald Miller
- Glenn E. Johnson
- Louise Turner
- Gregory Kesel
- Dorothy Clark
The Planning Board study plans for new construction and determine if it is in conformance with zoning laws.
Appointed for 5 year term
Chairman Planning Board:
- Dennis Porter
- Jamie Bugbee
- Dana Gersbach
Duties include approving permits and inspection new construction to determine if project is in conformance with the zoning laws.
- Steven Dehond 585-289-3010-ext 107
Gordon Eddington
Steve Smith
William DeVinney
Advises the Town Board as to the legal implications of contemplated policy, actions and administrative decisions.
- Matthew St. Martin
Organizes and directs the commemoration of historical anniversaries and participate in other civic or patriotic observations.
- Sharon Trimm
Are charged with enforcing laws related to the control and impoundment of animals including laws.
Ontario County Humane Society
Telephone: 585-396-4590